1.   When fiscal crisis erupts, they consolidate agencies and centralize control.

2.   In July the crisis erupted again when Chauthala was re-appointed as Chief Minister.

3.   Another crisis erupted from the botched assassination attempt in Jordan of a political leader of Hamas, the Palestinian group responsible for several terrorist attacks in Israel.

4.   Before he could finish putting windows and doors on his first building, the refugee crisis erupted.

5.   A crisis erupts when a pack of wild dogs attacks the sheep herd.

6.   A crisis could erupt in another part of the world.

7.   After the economic and political crisis erupted in August, Yeltsin handed unprecedented authority to Primakov.

8.   But if crisis should erupt, there is reason to question whether the new facility could keep operating.

9.   But when a crisis erupts, there is nothing automatic about the commitment, since governments can choose to reject participation, as dozens did in Rwanda.

10.   Carrie Cole, a center counselor, said most clients seek help only after a crisis erupts.

n. + erupt >>共 518
violence 10.83%
thunderstorm 7.70%
clash 7.08%
protest 3.15%
riot 3.04%
battle 2.94%
crisis 2.74%
fire 2.69%
gunfire 2.35%
scandal 2.16%
crisis + v. >>共 514
be 18.74%
begin 5.46%
have 2.52%
erupt 2.44%
hit 2.34%
end 2.30%
come 2.20%
force 2.09%
lead 1.99%
affect 1.58%
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